Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essential German Phrasebook
Dont have time to learn German? You know you need to know a few basics, but youre a busy person. Heres some help in the form of a one-page â€Å"phrasebook†for people in a hurry. You can print out the complete one-page version of the phrasebook. ESSENTIAL GERMAN 1 Common Phrases Getting Around yes - no - maybeja - nein - vielleichtyah - nine - fee-lycht train - plane - carZug - Flugzeug - Autotsoog - FLOOG-tsoyk - OW-toe Hello! - Goodbye!Guten Tag! - Auf Wiedersehen!GOO-ten tak - owf-VEEder-zane train station - airportBahnhof - FlughafenBAHN-hof - FLOOG-hafen Good morning!Guten Morgen! GOO-ten morgen left - rightlinks - rechts linx - rechts At the Hotel Food Drink Is breakfast included?Mit Frhstck? mitt FRUY-stuyck bread/rollsBrot/Brtchen broht/brutchen downstairs/upstairsunten/obenoonten/oh-ben beer - wine - juiceBier - Wein - Saftbeer - vine - zahft Dining Out Shopping waiter - waitressOber - Kellnerinoh-ber - kellner-in Thats cheap/expensive.Das ist billig/teuer.dahs ist billik/toy-er Wheres the restroom/toilet?Wo ist die Toilette?vo ist dee toy-LETa department store - grocery storeKaufhaus - Lebensmittelgeschftkowf-house - -ge-sheft Essential Phrases Part 2 This section includes phrases that enhance your â€Å"coping skills,†or ways of dealing with a lack of understanding. Note: The phonetic (fo-NET-ik) pronunciation guide for each phrase is only approximate. ESSENTIAL GERMAN 2 Deutsch English Sprechen Sie Deutsch/Englisch?SHPREK-en zee DOYTsh / ENG-lish Do you speak German / English? Noch einmal, bitte.NOCK EYEn-mahl BIT-tuh (Repeat) Once again, please. Wie bitte?VEE BIT-tuh What did you say? / What was that? Langsamer, bitte.LAHNG-zahmer BIT-tuh More slowly, please. Bitte Wiederholen Sie!BIT-tuh VEE-der-HOL-en zee Please repeat that. Ich verstehe nicht.ICK fer-SHTEH-uh nickt I dont understand. Ich habe eine Frage.ICK HAB-ah EYE-nuh FRAG-uh I have a question. Wie sagt man...?VEE zahgt mahn How do you say...? Ich wei nicht.ICK VYEss nickt I dont know. Doch!dock On the contrary! / Yes. (in reply to a negative question) Wo ist/sind...?VO ist/sint Where is/are...? wann? - wer? - wie?vahn - vehr - vee when? - who? - how? warum? - was?va-RUHM - vahs why? - what? Schon gut!SHON goot Okay! Ich habe kein(e)...ICK HAHB-a kine(uh) I have no... / I dont have any... Ich habe kein Geld.ICK HAHB-ah kine gelt I dont have any money.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Executive Compensation Package, Stock Options - 3300 Words
Executive compensation packages have been used both successfully and unsuccessfully to solve the principal-agent problem facing corporations these days. In this study, we focus on a specific element of an executive compensation package, stock options. The use of stock options as a form of senior executive compensation has been studied extensively to be a testament to the success of it’s ability to realign executive with shareholder interests. However, as the study reveals, prior to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, there were many problems with the usage of stock options within corporations that had a weak corporate governance structure. Problems included executive’s incentives to focus on short run profit, take on risky business strategies, and manipulations (legal and illegal) to fulfill executive self-interests. While it is difficult to measure the true effect of stock option’s influence on executive performance and behaviors, we see that the problems with stock option usage far outweigh the benefits of stock options prior to the implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. In the ideal corporate governance system, the definition of a good senior management executive is one that takes into consideration shareholders’ needs above his own. They work diligently to run the corporation both on a day to day basis and to ensure its success in the long run. However, there are often many incentives that disalign the interests between the shareholders (principal) and executivesShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Executive Compensation And Non Monetary Benefits1444 Words  | 6 PagesThe term compensation refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible benefits that employees receive in exchange for their time, talents, efforts, performance, and results (Bernardin, 2013). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Has the Position of Vice President Changed Free Essays
How has the position of the vice president changed? (30 MARKS) The position of the vice president has drastically changed in many areas such as the way in which they are voted in, but it is still unchanged in areas like the powers given to the vice president in the constitution. As the role of the federal government and the presidents responsibilities grew presidents began to see the vice-presidency as a source of help in running the executive branch of government. Beginning with the Eisenhower- Nixon administration 1953-61, vice presidents were given more high profile tasks and became in some cases significant presidential advisors in 1977 vice-president Mondale was shown the presidential daily briefing and was given an office in the west wing, Mondale was the first vice-president to receive this but after Mondale this was the normal thing for the vice-presidents. We will write a custom essay sample on How Has the Position of Vice President Changed or any similar topic only for you Order Now The improved position of the vice-presidency has attracted more significant people to seek the office, over the past 50 years the list of vice-presidents has been a distinguished one, including names such as Lyndon Johnson and Al Gore, of the eleven vice-presidents who held office between 1953 and 2008 four went on to become president, while a further three were selected to run. The election of vice-president Dick Chaney was seen as a bit of a joke not because he was not qualified enough but because he was more qualified than the president George W. Bush, it was said ‘if Dick Chaney were assassinated, Bush would have to become president’. Dick Chaney did not take the roles of a normal vice-president he had lots more power Bush gave Cheney access to ‘every table and every meeting’ making his voice heard in whatever area the vice-president feels he wants to be active in. The first two decades of the nations history, the vice-president was the person who came second in the balloting of the electoral college, until the 1804 the 12th amendment changed the vice presidential system, from then on it was elected on a joint ticket with the president so the choice for the potential president Is the choice of the people. Modern day vice-presidents have take on new roles, many have played a role in legislation in congress, this is the role that Dick Chaney who was former member of the house of representatives took for George W. Bush and this is the role that Joe Biden a senator for 36 years plays for president Obama. The vice-president often becomes the party worker, electioneer and fund raiser, Cheney played this role in the run up to the 2002 mid term elections, according to the times Cheney was â€Å"drawing packed crowds and raking in millions of dollars for Republican candidates†. The vice-president may become a major spokesman for the administration, Gore became a regular face at the podium on environmental issues as well as over government efficiency drives. However vice-presidents have always had four powers in the constitution which are still in place today, the vice-president is the presiding officer of the senate, even though this function is rarely performed by the vice-president is usually assigned to junior members of senates chambers, the vice president can also break a tied vote in the senate, which can be very helpful for the president as when there was a tie breaking vote in 2001 on President Bushes $1. trillion tax cut Dick Chaney voted in favour of President Bush, between 1981 and January 2009 vice presidents were called upon to break tied votes on 19 occasions eight of these by Dick Chaney. The vice-president is given the task of counting and then announcing the electoral college results, so in 2001 vice president Al Gore had to announce his de feat in the previous November election. The previous three powers are either of little importance or occur rarely or both, it is the final power that gives the office of vice-president its potential importance. The vice-president becomes president upon death, resignation or removal of the president from office, this has occurred on nine occasions, four times following the assassination of the president, four times following the natural death of the president, and once following the resignation of the president, president Nixon resigned in 1974 after the Watergate scandal. The insignificant powers of the office, coupled with this potential importance led the first vice-president, John Adams to remark of the post ‘in this I am nothing but I may be everything’. More recently the vice president has acquired a fifth power ‘to become acting president if the president is declared, or declares himself disabled, this has been used three times but only for a short time, Dick Chaney was acting president twice but for just over two hours. So there has been some drastic changes in the position of the vice-president, they have taken on a lot more responsibility than they have previously had, gradually getting more and more power, but it depends on the vice president such as Dick Chaney he was a very powerful vice-president which could be due to his expertise and the lack of experience of Bush in comparison, but some parts of the vice-presidency are still the same as they are still written in the constitution. How to cite How Has the Position of Vice President Changed, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Educating Immigrants Voices of Work Experience free essay sample
Work Expectation EssayWhat is work immersion? What may I encounter? Where will I be assigned? Who may I talk to? What are their backgrounds in working? And many more questions you may ask yourself. At first, there are many questions scrambling on my mind that a may be in a bad situation always because I taught that coming to an unknown place can be a terrible one. But as a saying goes â€Å"the first impression lasts†.On my first day in the Municipality of Minalin to work, I was scared that every time I looked outside I may be call up to do something. That’s why I kept my eyes on my phone while there is no orientation. I was assigned at the Sangguniang Bayan, headed by the Municipal Vice Mayor Hon. Edgar G. Yambao and together with his cabinets the Municipal Councilors. I was expecting more of out-door sessions where they will conduct a hearing outside the Municipal and they will ask me to come to witness the debate. We will write a custom essay sample on Educating Immigrants: Voices of Work Experience or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So as a new kid on a block, I was expecting too that there will be many people coming every day to ask for assistance to the Councilors, but these expectations lead me to disappointment. Everything I thought at first was turned around and saw nothing and no one coming up to open that door.The behavior I observed, I always see them wear their complete uniform every day. They always come on time to attend the session ad no to deduct their salary. As I trainee, its easy to adapt to their environment. They are all jokers to their colleagues as they thrown jokes inside the hall. But what that one thing I loved best? Where the variety of group and individual experiences. Sometimes we were listening to a lecture in a big room. Sometimes we were participating in small group discussions/activities. Sometimes we were doing individual work. I feel like I’ve built such a wonderful network of instructors and instruction coordinators whom I know I will learn much more from in the future. I absolutely loved working with my cohort; we are all dealing with diverse and complex situations and it was really nice to discuss this stuff with people who are equally passionate about user-centered info lit instruction. I really hope to keep in touch with these inspiring professionals. They really taught me something about one family. As one family, they continue to fight together side by side through the difficulties and struggles that they would encounter with support and help from each family member. As I have seen, they are really happy.
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